Sunday, May 18, 2008

Guerilla Sunflowers, Part 2

Sance, my sister in crime

Sance adds some yellow

We started with planting sunflower seeds in front of some time-honored buildings. Probably the passers-by thought that we were peeing there but that made it even more funny.

Then we visited the nearby IMAX cinema and I asked one of the girls at the counter whether she would like to plant some sunflowers in their boring bambus pots in the big entrance hall. To my astonishment she smiled, agreed and a few minutes later we had three employees of the cinema jumping around from pot to pot planting seeds. The best thing was that none of them asked what it is good for. They even didn't care that Sance and I took a lot of photos of them. Whow, what a start.

Employee of the IMAX cinema enhancing the bamboo pots

Photo by Sance

Afterwards we visited the public library. It seemed as if books and plants are mutually exclusive because it took me 15 minutes to find a flower pot. The public servant allowed me to plant some seeds although the pot did belong to a colleague he didn't even know. There was a pot without plant but with a sign saying "Two lychee plants will grow here soon". Well, now they have to share their pot with some yellow flowers. I hope the owner will be surprised.

In the public library

The Katharinenruine is the remains of a church destroyed in WW2. The square in front of it looked kind of devastated und needed some funny flowers desperately. I guess it will be hard for the sunflowers to grow there but I'm confident. 
At the ruins of St. Catherine Church


More photos from the Guerilla Sunflower Day to come soon...


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Guerilla Sunflowers, Part 1


A few weeks ago I bought some packs of sunflower seeds. My idea was to plant them all over Nuremberg in unusual places, and visit some of the spots again a few weeks later to see what had happened.

I stored the seeds on a hook in my restroom to ensure seeing them every day and not to forget about the plan.
By the way: It turned out that the restroom is a good place for placing memo notes.

Last Saturday I did it. Together with a good friend I strolled through the city and planted a lot of flower seeds.
It was an absolutely wonderful little event for me and I will share a few glimpses of it here on SADellite in the next days. Yes, I know it's very useless to plant sunflowers in the city but I don't care.

