Friday, April 18, 2008

Fence Strategy


Obstacle: Fence

Problem: Your way continues on the other side.

Goal: Overcome the obstacle.


[    ] End journey here
[    ] Cut hole in the fence (tool needed)
[    ] Climb and hope that you will not injure your hands
[    ] Go back 20 meters, run and jump
[ X ] Go back 20 meters, run, jump and just don't land after the fence but stay floating in mid-air.

Jumping but never landing is a cool thought, isn't it?


At Saturday, April 19, 2008, Blogger SOe said...

[ ] break down fence (heavy tool needed) :-)

At Monday, April 21, 2008, Blogger Blafasel said...

You made it like Arthur Dent:
Stumble, but not bang on the ground :-)


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