In my last posting about diving on the wreck of the Fujikawa Mara I thought about the opulence of colors under the surface. Because the posting was in German, here's the paragraph:
Why was nature that wasteful with colors and shapes down here? Compared to the underwater landscapes the world above the surface appears monotonous and boring to me.
Nonsense - probably I'm simply to blunted for the 1000 different shades of green in a forest. This dive should help to sharpen my senses again for the world up there - hopefully.
Today, while having breakfast on my balcony, I looked closer and discovered colors and shapes that were at least as spectacular as the ones on a coral reef. I was that amazed that I couldn't resist pausing my breakfast and shooting some photos.
My eyes are still a little bit in diving mode right now. They see colors and details in nature that usually stay invisible to me.
And the best thing is: I will not run out of air. Whow!
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